Winners of the Google AI Booster Program 2024 🎉. Book a demo to see the winning project in action!
Winners of the Google AI Booster Program 2024 🎉. Book a demo to see the winning project in action!
Winners of the Google AI Booster Program 2024 🎉. Book a demo to see the winning project in action!
Winners of the Google AI Booster Program 2024 🎉. Book a demo to see the winning project in action!


part of your privacy team

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and tedious legacy privacy management tools. TrustWorks helps you build your privacy program efficiently and collaboratively, connecting your tools, teams and, most importantly, people.
An image showing the key features of the data privacy platform provided by TrustWorks.

Privacy Automated

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and tedious legacy privacy management tools. Build your privacy program faster and fuel decisions that improve your compliance.

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and legacy tools! Say hello to modern privacy automation & user-friendly collaboration!

Trusted by

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and legacy privacy management platforms! Say hello to modern privacy solutions !

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An image showing the data repository features provided by TrustWorks.
< map>

Data visibility and privacy insights in real-time

Embrace the power of privacy automation as you discover and classify data assets that store and process personal data. Auto-generate risk insights and requirements for assessments – all in one easy-to-use, collaborative platform.
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Say goodbye to spreadsheets

Bid farewell to the era of spreadsheets and outdated RoPA. You will forget nudging and shoulder-tapping teams for updates about their processing activities. Maintain your RoPA up-to-date, leveraging automated discovery and a unique collaboration tool that your business will love.
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An image showing the data processing (RoPA) dashboard feature provided by TrustWorks.
An image showing the Impact assessments feature provided by TrustWorks.

Privacy and data protection impact assessments

Put an end to the arduous process of countless interviews and surveys. Our solution streamlines the assessment process, making it effortless and efficient, so your teams can focus on what they do best.
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Data Subject Request automation from day one

Transform inefficient and error-prone manual data subject request (DSR) handling into a seamless, automated experience that delights consumers. As DSR numbers continue to grow, our solution eliminates the hassle, ensuring compliance and efficiency.
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An image showing the DSR automation process.
An image showing the code scanner feature of TrustWorks.
<trustworks.code scanner>

Privacy by design

Gain instant and automated oversight of data processing and sharing in your internal systems and products. Mitigate risks and improve communication with your engineers by connecting to the source code repositories. Get visibility where it matters most.
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Do you want to see how leading global businesses streamline the collaboration between Privacy, Information Security and Engineering?

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Graphic depicting a privacy community with three members connected by dotted lines to a central 'Round tables' concept, each with a quote about the value of sharing knowledge and learning within the group.

Built by and for Privacy Professionals

At the heart of our platform lies the collective wisdom of our privacy community. With their invaluable input, we designed a tool that responds to the challenges of modern privacy compliance. Join our community and engage in discussions on hot privacy topics.
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Why Modern Teams Use TrustWorks

Worldwide compliance

Our solution makes it simple to regulate your data and is out-of-the-box compliant with all major global privacy laws.

Seamless set-up of automation

Reduce risk of human error and optimise business resources by automating data maps and privacy requests.

Efficient collaboration

Run your privacy operations leveraging collaboration framework that will help you engage with your stakeholders.
A person working on a desk, beside an open laptop, and additional writing materials on a desk.

Choose a European privacy solution

We do not transfer any personal data outside of the EEA, reducing the complexity related to data transfers and related assessments.
EU-based solution. Trusworks' headquarters in Dublin (Ireland) and Valencia (Spain)

Do you feel that your data inventory and RoPA are outdated? Get your Data Mapping health-check for free!

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