Request Your Free
Data Mapping Gap Assessment

Verify if your Data Map and Records of Processing Activities (RoPA) are complete and up-to-date.

Get a comprehensive Gap report that includes:

Inventory of internal and third-party Data Assets used in your organisation.
Data Categories, Location and Privacy Risks associated with Data Assets.
GAP between the Inventory of Data Assets and your RoPA.
Smart recommendations related to PIAs, DPIAs and TIAs.

How does it work?

No matter whether you are handling your Data Map and Processing Activities in spreadsheets or GRC tools, we will help you verify whether your information is accurate and up to date.

Discover your Data Assets (including Shadow-IT) in minutes

Sign-up to our platform and gain comprehensive visibility into all the tools used by all departments of your organisation through our pre-built connectors.

Get Insights into the Capabilities, Categories of Data, and Associated Risks of Your Tools.

Leverage our AI-powered Vendor Intelligence to enhance your data assets with comprehensive information necessary for evaluating privacy impact.

Identify Compliance Gaps related to your Records of Processing Activities

Our comprehensive report will identify any tools that are not included in your RoPA, Privacy Policy, or Data Processing Agreement, which may create compliance gaps.

Easy Start to actionable Data Maps & RoPA!

Use our FREE Data Mapping Gap Assessment to validate and improve your existing practices. No payment required. No commitment to use our tool!

Start your Assessment Now
Request your Assessment here:
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